SS-EN-ISO-16122-5 › Agricultural and forestry machines - Inspection of sprayers in use - Part 5: Aerial spray systems (ISO 16122-5:2020)
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This document specifies the requirements, test methods and verification of the inspection of aerial fixed wing and rotary aircraft spray systems for agriculture, forestry, turf, and vegetation control in transport access ways (such as gas and electric lines), with regard to minimizing the potential risk of environmental contamination during use. This document applies only to manned aerial aircraft. It does not cover aircraft safety and design criteria for air worthiness, aircraft registration, pilot or operator requirements, all of which are specified separately by countries or regions. This document relates mainly to the condition of the equipment with respect to its potential risk for the environment and its performance to achieve good applications. The general requirements of ISO 16122-1 apply where appropriate, including for the protection of inspectors during an inspection.
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Designation Name
SS-EN ISO 16122-5:2021
Revision Level
Publication Date
Jan. 8, 2021
Page Count
International Equivalent
EN ISO 16122-5:2020(IDT); ISO 16122-5:2020(IDT)