ISO/IEC-14143-4 Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 4: Reference model


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Part 4 of ISO/IEC 14143 defines the reference model (Figure 0.1) to be used when verifying a Functional Size Measurement (FSM) method.

The reference model consists of two components:

  • a classification framework of Reference User Requirements (RUR) which can be sized using an FSM Method. Included are examples of such RUR as well as references to further publications of User Requirements (UR) which can be used for RUR, and
  • guidance on selecting Reference FSM Methods, against which an FSM Method can be compared.

The reference model is an input to the evaluation process of an FSM Method. The formulation and execution of evaluation tests and the interpretation of their results is outside the scope of this Technical Report.

The RUR and additional references contained in this Technical Report only represent examples of UR in some domains and situations. Additional RUR and RUR for domains and situations not covered by Annex A, B, or C may be generated with the assistance of the framework described in this Technical Report.

The requirements for Reference FSM Methods may assist in selecting Reference FSM Methods.




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Document Number

ISO/IEC TR 14143-4:2002

Revision Level




Publication Date

Aug. 15, 2002

Committee Number