Document Center List of Standards on Software Including Software Development, Documentation, Internet Applications And Use
ICS Code 35.080
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The following documents are a part of this series:
- ASTM-D6171 - Standard Guide for Documenting a Groundwater Modeling Code (Withdrawn 2019)
- ASTM-E1340 - Standard Guide for Rapid Prototyping of Information Systems (Withdrawn 2017)
- ASTM-E1472 - Standard Guide for Documenting Computer Software for Fire Models (Withdrawn 2011)
- ASTM-E2443 - Standard Guide for Verifying Computer-Generated Test Results Through The Use Of Standard Data Sets
- ASTM-E2763 - Standard Practice for Computer Forensics (Withdrawn 2019)
- ASTM-E627 - Guide for Documenting Computerized Systems (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-E919 - Specification for Software Documentation for a Computerized System (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-F1716 - Standard Guide for Transition and Performance of Marine Software Systems Maintenance
- BIP-0117 - Cloud Computing: A practical introduction to the legal issues (Second Edition)
- BIP-0131 - TickITplus Base Process Library Version 1.1.3 Word Edition on CD
- BPL GUIDANCE, TICKIT - BPL Guidance, TickITplus
- BPL TICKITPLUS VERSI - Base Process Library (BPL) Version 1.1.3, TickITplus
- BS-4058 - Specification for data processing flow chart symbols, rules and conventions
- BS-7649 - Guide to the design and preparation of documentation for users of application software
- BS-7830 - Guide to the design and preparation of on-screen documentation for users of application software
- BS-7925-1 - Software testing
- BS-7925-2 - Software testing
- BS-9347 - Facial recognition technology. Ethical use and deployment in video surveillance-based systems. Code of practice
- BS-EN-16602-80 - Space product assurance. Software product assurance
- BS-EN-50657 - Railways Applications. Rolling stock applications. Software on Board Rolling Stock
- BS-EN-60880 - Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control systems important to safety. Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category A functions
- BS-EN-61508-P1-7 CD - Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Syst
- BS-EN-61690-1/2 - Electronic design interchange format (EDIF)
- BS-EN-62138 - Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control important for safety. Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category B or C functions
- BS-EN-62304 - Medical device software. Software life-cycle processes
- BS-EN-62628 - Guidance on software aspects of dependability
- BS-EN-9115-TC - Tracked Changes. Quality Management Systems. Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations. Deliverable Software (Supplement to EN 9100)
- BS-EN-9223-100 - Programme Management. Configuration Management
- BS-EN-9223-101 - Programme Management. Configuration Management
- BS-EN-9223-102 - Programme Management. Configuration Management
- BS-EN-9223-103 - Programme Management. Configuration Management
- BS-EN-9223-104 - Programme Management. Configuration Management
- BS-EN-9223-105 - Programme Management. Configuration Management
- BS-EN-9320 - Aerospace series. Programme Management. General guidelines for acquisition and supply of open systems
- BS-EN-ISO-25065 - Systems and software engineering. Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability: User requirements specification
- BS-EN-ISO-25066 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability. Evaluation Report
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-112 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-112-TC - Tracked Changes. Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-115 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-115-TC - Tracked Changes. Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-12 - Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs)
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-125 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- BS-EN-ISO-9241-171 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- BS-EN-ISO/IEC-25059 - Software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality model for AI systems
- BS-EN-ISO/IEC-25063 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: Context of use description
- BS-EN-ISO/IEC-25064 - Systems and software engineering. Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: User needs report
- BS-EN-ISO/IEC-30121 - Information technology. Governance of digital forensic risk framework
- BS-IEC-60880 - Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control systems important to safety. Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category A functions
- BS-IEC-61713 - Software dependabilty through the software life-cycle processes. Application guide
- BS-IEC/IEEE-29119-1 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-IEC/IEEE-29119-2 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BSI-FLEX-335 - BSI Flex 335 v2.0:2023, SAPIENT Network of autonomous sensors and effectors Interface control document Specification
- BSI-Flex-335-v1.0 - SAPIENT Network of autonomous sensors and effectors. Interface control document. Specification
- BS-ISO/IEC-10746-2 - Information technology. Open distributed processing. Reference model: Foundations
- BS-ISO/IEC-11756 - Information technology. Programming languages. M
- BS-ISO/IEC-12207 - Systems and software engineering. Software life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-13210 - Information technology. Requirements and guidelines for test methods specifications and test method implementation for measuring conformance to POSIX standards
- BS-ISO/IEC-14102 - Information technology. Guideline for the evaluation and selection of CASE tools
- BS-ISO/IEC-14143-1 - Information technology. Software measurement. Functional size measurement
- BS-ISO/IEC-14143-2 - Information technology. Software measurement. Functional size measurement
- BS-ISO/IEC-14143-6 - Information technology. Software measurement. Functional size measurement
- BS-ISO/IEC-14598-2 - Information technology. Software production evaluation
- BS-ISO/IEC-14598-3 - Information technology. Software production evaluation
- BS-ISO/IEC-14598-4 - Information technology. Software production evaluation
- BS-ISO/IEC-14598-5 - Information technology. Software production evaluation. Process for evaluators
- BS-ISO/IEC-14598-6 - Information technology. Software production evaluation
- BS-ISO/IEC-14756 - Information Technology. Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
- BS-ISO/IEC-14759 - Software engineering. Mock up and prototype. A categorization of software mock up and prototype models and their use
- BS-ISO/IEC-14764 - Software engineering. Software life cycle processes. Maintenance
- BS-ISO/IEC-15026 - Information technology. System and software integrity levels
- BS-ISO/IEC-15026-1 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance
- BS-ISO/IEC-15026-3 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance
- BS-ISO/IEC-15026-4 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance
- BS-ISO/IEC-15068-2 - Information technology. Portable operating system interface (POSIX) system administration
- BS-ISO/IEC-15271 - Information technology. Guide for ISO/IEC 12207. (Software life cycle processes)
- BS-ISO/IEC-15288 - Systems engineering. System life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-15289 - Systems and software engineering. Content of systems and software life cycle process information products (documentation)
- BS-ISO/IEC-15414 - Information technology. Open distributed processing. Reference model. Enterprise language
- BS-ISO/IEC-15474-1 - Information technology. CDIF framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-15474-2 - Information technology. CDIF framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-15475-1 - Information technology. CDIF transfer format
- BS-ISO/IEC-15475-2 - Information technology. CDIF transfer format
- BS-ISO/IEC-15475-3 - Information technology. CDIF transfer format
- BS-ISO/IEC-15476-1 - Information technology. CDIF semantic metamodel
- BS-ISO/IEC-15476-2 - Information technology. CDIF semantic metamodel
- BS-ISO/IEC-15476-3 - Information technology. CDIF semantic metamodel
- BS-ISO/IEC-15476-4 - Information technology. CDIF semanic metamodel
- BS-ISO/IEC-15476-6 - Information technology. CDIF semantic metamodel
- BS-ISO/IEC-15504-1 - Information technology. Process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-15504-2 - Software engineering. Process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-15504-3 - Information technology. Process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-15504-4 - Information technology. Process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-15504-5 - Information technology. Process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-15504-6 - Information technology. Process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-15846 - Information technology. Software life cycle processes. Configuration management
- BS-ISO/IEC-15897 - Information technology. Procedures for registration of cultural elements
- BS-ISO/IEC-15909-1 - Systems and software engineering. High-level Petri nets
- BS-ISO/IEC-15909-2 - Systems and software engineering. High-level Petri nets
- BS-ISO/IEC-15910 - Information technology. Software user documentation process
- BS-ISO/IEC-15939 - Systems and software engineering. Measurement process
- BS-ISO/IEC-15940 - Systems and software engineering. Software Engineering Environment Services
- BS-ISO/IEC-16085 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Risk management
- BS-ISO/IEC-16326 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Project management
- BS-ISO/IEC-16350 - Information technology. Systems and software engineering. Application management
- BS-ISO/IEC-17998 - Information technology. SOA Governance Framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-18019 - Software and system engineering. Guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software
- BS-ISO/IEC-19500-1 - Information technology. Object Management Group. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
- BS-ISO/IEC-19500-2 - Information technology. Object Management Group. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
- BS-ISO/IEC-19500-3 - Information technology. Object Management Group. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
- BS-ISO/IEC-19501 - Information technology. Open distributed processing. Unified modeling language (UML). Version 1.4.2
- BS-ISO/IEC-19513 - Information technology. Object Management Group Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM), 2.1.1
- BS-ISO/IEC-19515 - Information technology. Object Management Group Automated Function Points (AFP), 1.0
- BS-ISO/IEC-19678 - Information Technology. BIOS Protection Guidelines
- BS-ISO/IEC-19761 - Software engineering. COSMIC: A functional size measurement method
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-1 - Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-11 - Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-2 - Information technology. Software asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-3 - Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-4 - Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-5 - Information technology. IT asset management. Overview and vocabulary
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-5-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. IT asset management. Overview and vocabulary
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-6 - Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-19770-8 - Information technology. IT asset management
- BS-ISO/IEC-20060 - Information technology. Open terminal architecture (OTA). Virtual machine
- BS-ISO/IEC-20246 - Software and systems engineering. Work product reviews
- BS-ISO/IEC-20741 - Systems and software engineering. Guideline for the evaluation and selection of software engineering tools
- BS-ISO/IEC-20926 - Software and systems engineering. Software measurement. IFPUG functional size measurement method 2009
- BS-ISO/IEC-20968 - Software engineering. Mk II function point analysis. Counting practices manual
- BS-ISO/IEC-21031 - Information technology. Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) specification
- BS-ISO/IEC-23026 - Software engineering. Recommended practice for the internet. Web site engineering, web site management, and web site life cycle
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-1-1 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-1-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-1-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-1-4 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-1-5 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-2-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-2-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-3-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-3-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-4-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-5-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-5-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-6-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-6-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-7-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-7-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-8-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23360-8-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- BS-ISO/IEC-23531 - Systems and software engineering. Capabilities of issue management tools
- BS-ISO/IEC-23643 - Software and systems engineering. Capabilities of software safety and security verification tools
- BS-ISO/IEC-24570 - Software engineering. NESMA functional size measurement method. Definitions and counting guidelines for the application of function point analysis
- BS-ISO/IEC-24570-TC - Tracked Changes. Software engineering. NESMA functional size measurement method. Definitions and counting guidelines for the application of function point analysis
- BS-ISO/IEC-24744 - Software engineering. Metamodel for development methodologies
- BS-ISO/IEC-24748-4 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC-24773 - Software engineering. Certification of software engineering professionals. Comparison framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-24773-1 - Software and systems engineering. Certification of software and systems engineering professionals
- BS-ISO/IEC-24773-4 - Software and systems engineering. Certification of software and systems engineering professionals
- BS-ISO/IEC-25000 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Guide to SQuaRE
- BS-ISO/IEC-25001 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Planning and management
- BS-ISO/IEC-25002 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality model overview and usage
- BS-ISO/IEC-25010-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Product quality model
- BS-ISO/IEC-25020 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality measurement framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-25021 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality measure elements
- BS-ISO/IEC-25022 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Measurement of quality in use
- BS-ISO/IEC-25022-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Measurement of quality in use
- BS-ISO/IEC-25023 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Measurement of system and software product quality
- BS-ISO/IEC-25024 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Measurement of data quality
- BS-ISO/IEC-25030 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality requirements framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-25040-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality evaluation framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-25041 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Evaluation guide for developers, acquirers and independent evaluators
- BS-ISO/IEC-25045 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Evaluation module for recoverability
- BS-ISO/IEC-25051 - Software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Requirements for quality of Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) and instructions for testing
- BS-ISO/IEC-25059 - Software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality model for AI systems
- BS-ISO/IEC-25062 - Software engineering. Software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Common industry format (CIF) for usability test reports
- BS-ISO/IEC-25063 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: Context of use description
- BS-ISO/IEC-25064 - Systems and software engineering. Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE.) Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: User needs report
- BS-ISO/IEC-25066 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability. Evaluation Report
- BS-ISO/IEC-26511 - Systems and software engineering. Requirements for managers of user documentation
- BS-ISO/IEC-26513 - Systems and software engineering. Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation
- BS-ISO/IEC-26514 - Software and systems engineering. Requirements for designers and developers of user documentation
- BS-ISO/IEC-26515 - Systems and software engineering. Developing user documentation in an agile environment
- BS-ISO/IEC-26550 - Software and systems engineering. Reference model for product line engineering and management
- BS-ISO/IEC-26550-TC - Tracked Changes. Software and systems engineering. Reference model for product line engineering and management
- BS-ISO/IEC-26551 - Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line requirements engineering
- BS-ISO/IEC-26551-TC - Tracked Changes. Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line requirements engineering
- BS-ISO/IEC-26552 - Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line architecture design
- BS-ISO/IEC-26553 - Information technology. Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line realization
- BS-ISO/IEC-26554 - Information technology. Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line testing
- BS-ISO/IEC-26555 - Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line technical management
- BS-ISO/IEC-26556 - Information technology. Software and systems engineering. Tools and methods for product line organizational management
- BS-ISO/IEC-26557 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for variability mechanisms in software and systems product line
- BS-ISO/IEC-26558 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for variability modelling in software and systems product line
- BS-ISO/IEC-26559 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for variability traceability in software and systems product line
- BS-ISO/IEC-26561 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for product line technical probe
- BS-ISO/IEC-26562 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for product line transition management
- BS-ISO/IEC-26564 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for product line measurement
- BS-ISO/IEC-26580 - Software and systems engineering. Methods and tools for the feature-based approach to software and systems product line engineering
- BS-ISO/IEC-26702 - Systems engineering. Application and management of the systems engineering process
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-1-1 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for very small entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-1-2 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-2-1 - Software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-3-2 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-3-3 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Enterprises (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-4-1 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-4-2 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29110-4-3 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for very small entities (VSEs)
- BS-ISO/IEC-29119-1 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC-29119-2 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC-29155-1 - Systems and software engineering. Information technology project performance benchmarking framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-29155-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Information technology project performance benchmarking framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-29155-2 - Systems and software engineering. Information technology project performance benchmarking framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-29155-3 - Systems and software engineering. Information technology project performance benchmarking framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-29155-4 - Systems and software engineering. Information technology project performance benchmarking framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-29169 - Information technology. Process assessment. Application of conformity assessment methodology to the assessment to process quality characteristics and organizational maturity
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-1 - Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-2 - Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-3 - Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-4 - Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-5 - Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30105-5-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC-30121 - Information technology. Governance of digital forensic risk framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-30130 - Software engineering. Capabilities of software testing tools
- BS-ISO/IEC-31320-2 - Information technology. Modeling Languages
- BS-ISO/IEC-33001 - Information technology. Process assessment. Concepts and terminology
- BS-ISO/IEC-33001-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. Process assessment. Concepts and terminology
- BS-ISO/IEC-33002 - Information technology. Process assessment. Requirements for performing process assessment
- BS-ISO/IEC-33003 - Information technology. Process assessment. Requirements for process measurement frameworks
- BS-ISO/IEC-33004 - Information technology. Process assessment. Requirements for process reference, process assessment and maturity models
- BS-ISO/IEC-33020 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process measurement framework for assessment of process capability
- BS-ISO/IEC-33063 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process assessment model for software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC-38500 - Information technology. Governance of IT for the organization
- BS-ISO/IEC-38500-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. Governance of IT for the organization
- BS-ISO/IEC-40210 - Information technology. W3C SOAP Version 1.2
- BS-ISO/IEC-40220 - Information technology. W3C SOAP Version 1.2
- BS-ISO/IEC-40230 - Information technology. W3C SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
- BS-ISO/IEC-40240 - Information technology. W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0. Core
- BS-ISO/IEC-40250 - Information technology. W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0. SOAP Binding
- BS-ISO/IEC-40260 - Information technology. W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0. Metadata
- BS-ISO/IEC-40270 - Information technology. W3C Web Services Policy 1.5. Framework
- BS-ISO/IEC-40280 - Information technology. W3C Web Services Policy 1.5. Attachment
- BS-ISO/IEC-40500 - Information technology. W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
- BS-ISO/IEC-42010 - Systems and software engineering. Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems
- BS-ISO/IEC-5055 - Information technology. Software measurement. Software quality measurement. Automated source code quality measures
- BS-ISO/IEC-5962 - Information technology. SPDX Specification V2.2.1
- BS-ISO/IEC-6592 - Information technology. Guidelines for the documentation of computer-based application systems
- BS-ISO/IEC-90003 - Software engineering. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 to computer software
- BS-ISO/IEC-9126-1 - Information technology. Software product quality
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-12207 - Systems and software engineering. Software life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-12207-2 - Systems and software engineering. Software life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-12207-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Software life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-14764 - Software engineering. Software life cycle processes. Maintenance
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-14764-TC - Tracked Changes. Software engineering. Software life cycle processes. Maintenance
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-1 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-3 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-3-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance.System integrity levels.
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-4-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-1528 - Systems and software engineering. System life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15288 - Systems and software engineering. System life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15288-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. System life cycle processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE15289 - Systems and software engineering. Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE15939 - Systems and software engineering. Measurement process
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-15939-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Measurement process
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-16085 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Risk management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-16326 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Project management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-21839 - Systems and software engineering. System of systems (SoS) considerations in life cycle stages of a system
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-21840 - Systems and software engineering. Guidelines for the utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the context of system of systems (SoS)
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-21841 - Systems and software engineering. Taxonomy of systems of systems
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-2302 - Systems and software engineering. Engineering and management of websites for systems, software, and services information
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-23026 - Systems and software engineering. Engineering and management of websites for systems, software and services information
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-23026-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Engineering and management of websites for systems, software and services information
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-1 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-2 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-3 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-4 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-4-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-5 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-6 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-9 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- BS-ISO/IEC-IEEE-24765 - Metallic industrial piping. Fabrication and installation.
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24765-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Vocabulary
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-24774-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management. Specification for process description
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26511 - Systems and software engineering. Requirements for managers of information for users of systems, software, and services
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26511-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Requirements for managers of information for users of systems, software, and services
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26512-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of information for users
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26513 - Systems and software engineering. Requirements for testers and reviewers of information for users
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26514 - Systems and software engineering. Design and development of information for users
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26514-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Design and development of information for users
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26515-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Developing information for users in an agile environment
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-2653 - Systems and software engineering. Content management for product lifecycle, user and service management documentation
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE26531 - Systems and software engineering. Content management for product lifecycle, user and service management documentation
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26531 - Systems and software engineering. Content management for product life cycle, user and service management information for users
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-26531-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Content management for product life cycle, user and service management information for users
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-1 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-2 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-2-TC - Tracked Changes. Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-3 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-4 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-4-TC - Tracked Changes. Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE29148 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Requirements engineering
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29148 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Requirements engineering
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29148-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Life cycle processes. Requirements engineering
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-32675 - Information technology. DevOps. Building reliable and secure systems including application build, package and deployment
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-41062 - Software engineering. Life cycle processes. Software acquisition
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE42010 - Systems and software engineering. Architecture description
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-42010 - Software, systems and enterprise. Architecture description
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-42020 - Software, systems and enterprise. Architecture processes
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-42030 - Software, systems and enterprise. Architecture evaluation framework
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-90003 - Software engineering. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software
- BS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-90003-TC - Tracked Changes. Software engineering. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software
- BS-ISO/IEC-TR-12182 - Information technology. Categorization of software
- BS-ISO/IEC-TR-14471 - Information technology. Software engineering. Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools
- BS-ISO/IEC-TR-14759 - Software Engineering, Mock Up & Prototype, a Categorization of Software Mock Up & Pro
- BS-ISO/IEC-TR-15271 - Information technology. Guide for ISO/IEC 12207. (Software life cycle processes)
- BS-ISO/IEC-TR-15846 - Information technology. Software life cycle processes. Configuration management
- CWA-14051-1 - Information Technology, European Generic Locales, General Specifications
- CWA-14051-2 - Narrative Cultural Specifications, Posix Locales, & Repertoiremap, Information Technol
- CWA-14365-2 - Guide on the Use of Electronic Signatures, Protection Profile for Software Signature C
- CWA-14921 - Web Services, Technology & Standardization Aspects
- CWA-14928 - Review of Sif Infrastructure, Architecture, Message Processing & Transport Layer
- CWA-14929 - Internationalization of Sif & Harmonization With Other Specs/Standards
- CWA-15155 - Adaptation of Sif (Schools Interoperability Framework) Data Model for a European Cont
- DD-CEN-15127-1 - Health informatics. Testing of physiological measurement software
- DD-ISO/IEC-15504-9 - Information technology. Process assessment
- KIT-199 - Tickit Guide (Issue 5.5) COMBI-Kit 199, CD-Rom & a4 Paperback
- KIT-66 - Functional Safety Set (BS-IEC-61508)
- PAS-124 - Defining, implementing and managing website policies and standards. Code of practice
- PAS-212 - Automatic resource discovery for the Internet of Things. Specification
- PAS-277 - Health and wellness apps. Quality criteria across the life cycle. Code of practice
- PAS-74 - Internet safety. Access control systems for the protection of children online. Specification
- PD-0028 - Quantitative software management. Software measurement methods. A guide to the use of ISO/IEC and other standards for obtaining and using software measurements for product and process improvement
- PD-6677 - Implementation guide for NATO AQAP-160 incorporating all AQAP-160 text and relevant ISO text
- PD-CEN-17603-40 - Space engineering. Software engineering handbook
- PD-CEN-17603-40-01 - Space engineering. Agile software development handbook
- PD-CEN-ISO-25060 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). General framework for Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability-related information
- PD-CEN-ISO-82304-2 - Health software
- PD-CEN-ISO/IEC-25060 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information
- PD-CR-13694 - Health informatics. Safety and security related software quality standards for healthcare (SSQS)
- PD-IEC/PAS-63088 - Smart manufacturing. Reference architecture model industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0)
- PD-ISO-29110-5-1-1 - Software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-14471 - Information technology. Software engineering. Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools
- PD-ISO/IEC-15026-1 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software assurance. Concepts and vocabulary
- PD-ISO/IEC-15504-10 - Information technology. Process assessment
- PD-ISO/IEC-15504-6 - Information technology. Process assessment
- PD-ISO/IEC-15504-7 - Information technology. Process assessment
- PD-ISO/IEC-18018 - Information technology. Systems and software engineering. Guide for configuration management tool capabilities
- PD-ISO/IEC-19759 - Software Engineering. Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge (SWEBOK)
- PD-ISO/IEC-19760 - Systems engineering. A guide for the application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System life cycle processes)
- PD-ISO/IEC-23360-1-6 - Linux Standard Base (LSB)
- PD-ISO/IEC-24587 - Software and systems engineering. Agile development. Agile adoption considerations
- PD-ISO/IEC-24748-1 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- PD-ISO/IEC-24748-2 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- PD-ISO/IEC-24748-3 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- PD-ISO/IEC-24748-6 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management
- PD-ISO/IEC-24766 - Information technology. Systems and software engineering. Guide for requirements engineering tool capabilities
- PD-ISO/IEC-24774 - Systems and software engineering. Life cycle management. Guidelines for process description
- PD-ISO/IEC-25011 - Information technology. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Service quality models
- PD-ISO/IEC-25021 - Software engineering. Software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Quality measure elements
- PD-ISO/IEC-25052-1 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE): cloud services
- PD-ISO/IEC-25052-2 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE): cloud services
- PD-ISO/IEC-25058 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Guidance for quality evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems
- PD-ISO/IEC-25060 - Systems and software engineering. Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-1 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-3-1 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-3-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs). Process assessment guidelines.
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-3-4 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-1 - Software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-3 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-4 - Software and systems engineering. Lifecycle profiles for very small entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-2 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-2-1 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-3 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-6 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-6-1 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-6-2 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29110-5-6-3 - Systems and software engineering. Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs)
- PD-ISO/IEC-29119-11 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- PD-ISO/IEC-29119-6 - Software and systems engineering. Software testing
- PD-ISO/IEC-29154 - Software engineering. Guide for the application of ISO/IEC 24773:2008 (Certification of software engineering professionals. Comparison framework)
- PD-ISO/IEC-30103 - Software and Systems Engineering. Lifecycle Processes. Framework for Product Quality Achievement
- PD-ISO/IEC-33010 - Information technology. Process assessment. Guidance for performing process assessments
- PD-ISO/IEC-33015 - Information technology. Process assessment. Guidance for process risk determination
- PD-ISO/IEC-33017 - Information technology. Process assessment. Framework for assessor training
- PD-ISO/IEC-33018 - Information technology. Process assessment. Guidance for assessor competency
- PD-ISO/IEC-33030 - Information technology. Process assessment. An exemplar documented assessment process
- PD-ISO/IEC-33030-TC - Tracked Changes. Information technology. Process assessment. An exemplar documented assessment process
- PD-ISO/IEC-33052 - Information technology. Process reference model (PRM) for information security management
- PD-ISO/IEC-33054 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process reference model for service management
- PD-ISO/IEC-33060 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process assessment model for system life cycle processes
- PD-ISO/IEC-33072 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process capability assessment model for information security management
- PD-ISO/IEC-33073 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process capability assessment model for quality management
- PD-ISO/IEC-33074 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process capability assessment model for service management
- PD-ISO/IEC-38501 - Information technology. Governance of IT. Implementation guide
- PD-ISO/IEC-90005 - Systems engineering. Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to system life cycle processes
- PD-ISO/IEC-9126-2 - Software engineering. Product quality
- PD-ISO/IEC-9126-3 - Software engineering. Product quality
- PD-ISO/IEC-9126-4 - Software engineering. Product quality
- PD-ISO/IEC-9294 - Information technology. Guidelines for the management of software documentation
- PD-ISO/IEC-TS-33061 - Information technology. Process assessment. Process assessment model for software life cycle processes
- TICKIT GUIDE (5.5) - A guide to software quality management system construction and certification to ISO 9001:2000
- TICKITPLUS BPL - Base Process Library (BPL) Version 1.1.2, TickITplus
- TICKITPLUS - CORE SC - Core Scheme Requirements (Csr), Tickitplus
- TICKITPLUS CORE SCH - TickITplus Core Scheme vs 1.1.1
- TICKITPLUS CORE SCHE - TickIT plus Guide - 1.1.1. Core Scheme Requirements
- TICKITPLUS CSR 1.1.2 - TickIT plus Guide. 1.1.2. Core Scheme Requirements
- TS-1 - Issue 5.0 of the TickIT Guide
- IEC-60300-3-6 - Part 3: Application Guide - Section 6: Software Aspects of Dependability, Dependability Ma
- IEC-729 - Multiple controllers in a CAMAC crate
- IEC/PAS-63088 - Smart manufacturing - Reference architecture model industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0)
- ISO-2382-20 - Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 20: System development
- ISO-25060 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - General framework for Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability-related information
- ISO-25065 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability: User requirements specification
- ISO-29155-2 - Systems and software engineering - Information technology project performance benchmarking framework - Part 2: Requirements for benchmarking
- ISO-3535 - Forms design sheet and layout chart
- ISO-5806 - Information processing - Specification of single-hit decision tables
- ISO-5807 - Information processing - Documentation symbols and conventions for data, program and system flowcharts, program network charts and system resources charts
- ISO-82304-2 - Health software - Part 2: Health and wellness apps.Quality and reliability
- ISO-8790 - Information processing systems - Computer system configuration diagram symbols and conventions
- ISO-9000-3 - Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001 To the Development, Supply & Maintenanc
- ISO-9127 - Information processing systems - User documentation and cover information for consumer software packages
- ISO/IEC-10746-1 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Reference model: Overview - Part 1:
- ISO/IEC-10746-2 - Information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model: Foundations
- ISO/IEC-10746-3 - Information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model: Architecture
- ISO/IEC-10746-4 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Reference Model: Architectural semantics - Part 4:
- ISO/IEC-10746-4-1 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Reference Model: Architectural semantics - Amendment 1: Computational formalization
- ISO/IEC-11411 - Information technology - Representation for human communication of state transition of software
- ISO/IEC-12119 - Information Technology - Software Packages - Quality Requirements & Testing
- ISO/IEC-12182 - Systems and software engineering - Framework for categorization of IT systems and software, and guide for applying it
- ISO/IEC-12207 - Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes
- ISO/IEC-12207-2 - Amendment 2: Information Technology - Software Life Cycle Processes
- ISO/IEC-13235-1 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Trading function: Specification - Part 1:
- ISO/IEC-13235-3 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Trading Function - Part 3: Provision of Trading Function using OSI Directory service
- ISO/IEC-13244 - Information technology - Open Distributed Management Architecture
- ISO/IEC-13244-1 - Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 13244:1998 Support using Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
- ISO/IEC-13800 - Information technology - Procedure for the registration of identifiers and attributes for volume and file structure
- ISO/IEC-14102 - Information technology - Guideline for the evaluation and selection of CASE tools
- ISO/IEC-14143-1 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 1: Definition of concepts
- ISO/IEC-14143-2 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 2: Conformity evaluation of software size measurement methods to ISO/IEC 14143-1
- ISO/IEC-14143-3 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 3: Verification of functional size measurement methods
- ISO/IEC-14143-4 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 4: Reference model
- ISO/IEC-14143-5 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 5: Determination of functional domains for use with functional size measurement
- ISO/IEC-14143-6 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 6: Guide for use of ISO/IEC 14143 series and related International Standards
- ISO/IEC-14471 - Information technology - Software engineering - Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools
- ISO/IEC-14598-1 - Information technology -- Software product evaluation -- Part 1: General overview
- ISO/IEC-14598-2 - Software engineering -- Product evaluation -- Part 2: Planning and management
- ISO/IEC-14598-3 - Software engineering -- Product evaluation -- Part 3: Process for developers
- ISO/IEC-14598-4 - Software engineering -- Product evaluation -- Part 4: Process for acquirers
- ISO/IEC-14598-5 - Information technology - Software product evaluation - Part 5: Process for evaluators
- ISO/IEC-14598-6 - Software engineering -- Product evaluation -- Part 6: Documentation of evaluation modules
- ISO/IEC-14750 - Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Interface Definition Language
- ISO/IEC-14752 - Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Protocol support for computational interactions
- ISO/IEC-14753 - Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Interface references and binding
- ISO/IEC-14756 - Information technology -- Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
- ISO/IEC-14764 - Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes - Maintenance
- ISO/IEC-14769 - Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Type Repository Function
- ISO/IEC-14771 - Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Naming framework
- ISO/IEC-14834 - Information technology - Distributed Transaction Processing - The XA Specification
- ISO/IEC-14863 - Information technology - System-Independent Data Format (SIDF)
- ISO/IEC-15026 - Information Technology - System and Software Integrity Levels
- ISO/IEC-15026-1 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary
- ISO/IEC-15026-2 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 2: Assurance case
- ISO/IEC-15026-3 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 3: System integrity levels
- ISO/IEC-15026-4 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle
- ISO/IEC-15288 - Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes
- ISO/IEC-15289 - Systems and Software Engineering - Content of Systems and Software Life Cycle Process Info
- ISO/IEC-15414 - Information technology - Open distributed processing - Reference model - Enterprise language
- ISO/IEC-15437 - Information technology - Enhancements to LOTOS (E-LOTOS)
- ISO/IEC-15474-1 - Information technology - CDIF framework - Part 1: Overview
- ISO/IEC-15474-2 - Information technology - CDIF framework - Part 2: Modelling and extensibility
- ISO/IEC-15475-1 - Information technology - CDIF transfer format - Part 1: General rules for syntaxes and encodings
- ISO/IEC-15475-2 - Information technology - CDIF transfer format - Part 2: Syntax SYNTAX.1
- ISO/IEC-15475-3 - Information technology - CDIF transfer format - Part 3: Encoding ENCODING.1
- ISO/IEC-15476-1 - Information technology - CDIF semantic metamodel - Part 1: Foundation
- ISO/IEC-15476-2 - Information technology - CDIF semantic metamodel - Part 2: Common
- ISO/IEC-15476-3 - Information technology - CDIF semantic metamodel - Part 3: Data definitions
- ISO/IEC-15476-4 - Information technology - CDIF semantic metamodel - Part 4: Data models
- ISO/IEC-15476-6 - Information technology - CDIF semantic metamodel - Part 6: State/event models
- ISO/IEC-15504-1 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary
- ISO/IEC-15504-10 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 10: Safety extension
- ISO/IEC-15504-2 - Part 2: Performing an Assessment, Software Engineering - Process Assessment
- ISO/IEC-15504-3 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 3: Guidance on performing an assessment
- ISO/IEC-15504-4 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 4: Guidance on use for process improvement and process capability determination
- ISO/IEC-15504-5 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 5: An exemplar software life cycle process assessment model
- ISO/IEC-15504-6 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 6: An exemplar system life cycle process assessment model
- ISO/IEC-15504-7 - Information technology -- Process assessment -- Part 7: Assessment of organizational maturity
- ISO/IEC-15504-8 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 8: An exemplar process assessment model for IT service management
- ISO/IEC-15504-9 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 9: Target process profiles
- ISO/IEC-15909-1 - Systems and software engineering - High-level Petri nets - Part 1: Concepts, definitions and graphical notation
- ISO/IEC-15909-1-AM1 - - Amendment 1: Symmetric Nets
- ISO/IEC-15909-2 - Systems and software engineering - High-level Petri nets - Part 2: Transfer format
- ISO/IEC-15909-3 - Systems and software engineering - High-level Petri nets - Part 3: Extensions and structuring mechanisms
- ISO/IEC-15910 - Information Technology - Software User Documentation Process
- ISO/IEC-15939 - Systems and software engineering - Measurement process
- ISO/IEC-15940 - Systems and software engineering - Software Engineering Environment Services
- ISO/IEC-16085 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Risk management
- ISO/IEC-16326 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Project management
- ISO/IEC-16350 - Information technology - Systems and software engineering - Application management
- ISO/IEC-16351 - Information technology - Systems and software engineering - Application management guidance on the relationship between ISO/IEC 16350:2015 and Application Service Library®
- ISO/IEC-17998 - Information technology - SOA Governance Framework
- ISO/IEC-18018 - Information technology - Systems and software engineering - Guide for configuration management tool capabilities
- ISO/IEC-18019 - Software and System Engineering - Guidelines for the Design &Preparation of User Documentat
- ISO/IEC-19500-1 - Information technology - Object Management Group - Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) - Part 1: Interfaces
- ISO/IEC-19500-2 - Information technology - Object Management Group - Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) - Part 2: Interoperability
- ISO/IEC-19500-3 - Information technology - Object Management Group - Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) - Part 3: Components
- ISO/IEC-19501 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2
- ISO/IEC-19506 - Information technology - Object Management Group Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM) - Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model (KDM)
- ISO/IEC-19513 - Information technology - Object Management Group Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM), 2.1.1
- ISO/IEC-19515 - Information technology - Object Management Group Automated Function Points (AFP), 1.0
- ISO/IEC-19678 - Information Technology - BIOS Protection Guidelines
- ISO/IEC-19759 - Software Engineering - Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge (SWEBOK)
- ISO/IEC-19760 - Systems Engineering - a Guide for the Application of ISO/IEC15288 (System Life Cycle Proc
- ISO/IEC-19761 - Software engineering - COSMIC: a functional size measurement method
- ISO/IEC-19770-1 - Information technology - IT asset management - Part 1: IT asset management systems - Requirements
- ISO/IEC-19770-11 - Information technology - IT asset management - Part 11: Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of IT asset management systems
- ISO/IEC-19770-1-AM1 - - Amendment 1: Information technology - IT asset management - Part 1: IT asset management systems - Requirements - Amendment 1: Climate action changes
- ISO/IEC-19770-2 - Information technology - Software asset management - Part 2: Software identification tag
- ISO/IEC-19770-3 - Information technology - IT asset management - Part 3: Entitlement schema
- ISO/IEC-19770-4 - Information technology - IT asset management - Part 4: Resource utilization measurement
- ISO/IEC-19770-5 - Information technology - IT asset management - Overview and vocabulary
- ISO/IEC-19770-6 - Information technology - IT asset management - Part 6: Hardware identification tag
- ISO/IEC-19770-8 - Information technology - IT asset management - Part 8: Guidelines for mapping of industry practices to/from the ISO/IEC 19770 family of standards
- ISO/IEC-19793 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Use of UML for ODP system specifications
- ISO/IEC-20246 - Software and systems engineering - Work product reviews
- ISO/IEC-20741 - Systems and software engineering - Guideline for the evaluation and selection of software engineering tools
- ISO/IEC-20926 - Software and systems engineering - Software measurement - IFPUG functional size measurement method 2009
- ISO/IEC-20968 - Software engineering - Mk II Function Point Analysis - Counting Practices Manual
- ISO/IEC-21031 - Information technology - Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) specification
- ISO/IEC-23026 - Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for the Internet - Web Site Engineering, Web Site Management, and Web Site Life Cycle
- ISO/IEC-23360 - Linux Standard Base (Lsb) Core Specification 3.1 - Parts 1-8on CD-Rom
- ISO/IEC-23360-1 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 1: Generic specification
- ISO/IEC-23360-1-1 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 1-1: Common definitions
- ISO/IEC-23360-1-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 1-2: Core specification generic part
- ISO/IEC-23360-1-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 1-3: Desktop specification generic part
- ISO/IEC-23360-1-4 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 1-4: Languages specification
- ISO/IEC-23360-1-5 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 1-5: Imaging specification
- ISO/IEC-23360-1-6 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 1-6: Graphics and Gtk3 specification
- ISO/IEC-23360-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 2: Specification for IA32 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-2-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 2-2: Core specification for X86-32 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-2-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 2-3: Desktop specification for X86-32 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 3: Specification for IA64 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-3-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 3-2: Core specification for IA64 (Itanium.) architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-3-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 3-3: Desktop specification for IA64 (Itanium TM) architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-4 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 4: Specification for AMD64 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-4-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 4-2: Core specification for AMD64 (X86-64) architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-4-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 4-3: Desktop specification for AMD64 (X86-64) architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-5 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 5: Specification for PPC32 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-5-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 5-2: Core specification for PowerPC 32 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-5-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 5-3: Desktop specification for PowerPC 32 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-6 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 6: Specification for PPC64 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-6-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 6-2: Core specification for PowerPC 64 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-6-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 6-3: Desktop specification for PowerPC 64 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-7 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 7: Specification for S390 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-7-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 7-2: Core specification for S390 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-7-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 7-3: Desktop specification for S390 architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-8 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) core specification 3.1 - Part 8: Specification for S390X architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-8-2 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 8-2: Core specification for S390X architecture
- ISO/IEC-23360-8-3 - Linux Standard Base (LSB) - Part 8-3: Desktop specification for S390X architecture
- ISO/IEC-23396 - Systems and software engineering - Capabilities of review tools
- ISO/IEC-23531 - Systems and software engineering - Capabilities of issue management tools
- ISO/IEC-23643 - Software and systems engineering - Capabilities of software safety and security verification tools
- ISO/IEC-24570 - Software engineering - NESMA functional size measurement method - Definitions and counting guidelines for the application of function point analysis
- ISO/IEC-24587 - Software and systems engineering - Agile development - Agile adoption considerations
- ISO/IEC-24744 - Software engineering - Metamodel for development methodologies
- ISO/IEC-24744/A1 - Amendment 1: Notation, Software Engineering - Metamodel for Development Methodologies
- ISO/IEC-24748-1 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management
- ISO/IEC-24748-2 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 2: Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System life cycle processes)
- ISO/IEC-24748-3 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 3: Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 12207 (Software life cycle processes)
- ISO/IEC-24748-6 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 6: System integration engineering
- ISO/IEC-24766 - Information technology - Systems and software engineering - Guide for requirements engineering tool capabilities
- ISO/IEC-24773 - Software engineering - Certification of software engineering professionals - Comparison framework
- ISO/IEC-24773-1 - Software and systems engineering - Certification of software and systems engineering professionals - Part 1: General requirements
- ISO/IEC-24773-3 - Software and systems engineering - Certification of software and systems engineering professionals - Part 3: Systems engineering
- ISO/IEC-24773-4 - Software and systems engineering - Certification of software and systems engineering professionals - Part 4: Software engineering
- ISO/IEC-24774 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Guidelines for process description
- ISO/IEC-25000 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Guide to SQuaRE
- ISO/IEC-25001 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Planning and management
- ISO/IEC-25002 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality model overview and usage
- ISO/IEC-25010 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Product quality model
- ISO/IEC-25011 - Information technology - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) - Service quality models
- ISO/IEC-25012 - Software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Data quality model
- ISO/IEC-25019 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality-in-use model
- ISO/IEC-25020 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality measurement framework
- ISO/IEC-25021 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality measure elements
- ISO/IEC-25022 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) - Measurement of quality in use
- ISO/IEC-25023 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Measurement of system and software product quality
- ISO/IEC-25024 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Measurement of data quality
- ISO/IEC-25025 - Information technology - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Measurement of IT service quality
- ISO/IEC-25030 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality requirements framework
- ISO/IEC-25040 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality evaluation framework
- ISO/IEC-25041 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Evaluation guide for developers, acquirers and independent evaluators
- ISO/IEC-25045 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Evaluation module for recoverability
- ISO/IEC-25051 - Software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Requirements for quality of Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) and instructions for testing
- ISO/IEC-25052-1 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE): cloud services - Part 1: Quality model
- ISO/IEC-25052-2 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE): cloud services - Part 2: Quality measurement
- ISO/IEC-25058 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Guidance for quality evaluation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems
- ISO/IEC-25059 - Software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Quality model for AI systems
- ISO/IEC-25060 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information
- ISO/IEC-25062 - Software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability test reports
- ISO/IEC-25063 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: Context of use description
- ISO/IEC-25064 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: User needs report
- ISO/IEC-25066 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability - Evaluation Report
- ISO/IEC-26511 - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for managers of user documentation
- ISO/IEC-26513 - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for testers and reviewers of user documentation
- ISO/IEC-26514 - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for designers and developers of user documentation
- ISO/IEC-26515 - Systems and software engineering - Developing user documentation in an agile environment
- ISO/IEC-26550 - Software and systems engineering - Reference model for product line engineering and management
- ISO/IEC-26551 - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line requirements engineering
- ISO/IEC-26552 - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line architecture design
- ISO/IEC-26553 - Information technology - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line realization
- ISO/IEC-26554 - Information technology - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line testing
- ISO/IEC-26555 - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line technical management
- ISO/IEC-26556 - Information technology - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line organizational management
- ISO/IEC-26557 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for variability mechanisms in software and systems product line
- ISO/IEC-26558 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for variability modelling in software and systems product line
- ISO/IEC-26559 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for variability traceability in software and systems product line
- ISO/IEC-26560 - Software and systems engineering - Tools and methods for product line product management
- ISO/IEC-26561 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for product line technical probe
- ISO/IEC-26562 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for product line transition management
- ISO/IEC-26563 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for product line configuration management
- ISO/IEC-26564 - Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for product line measurement
- ISO/IEC-26702 - Systems engineering - Application and management of the systems engineering process
- ISO/IEC-29110-1 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 1: Overview
- ISO/IEC-29110-2 - Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 2: Framework and taxonomy
- ISO/IEC-29110-2-1 - Software Engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 2-1: Framework and taxonomy
- ISO/IEC-29110-2-1-AM1 - - Amendment 1: Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 2-1: Framework and taxonomy - Amendment 1: Update of references and editorial improvements
- ISO/IEC-29110-2-2 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 2-2: Guide for the development of domain-specific profiles
- ISO/IEC-29110-3 - Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 3: Assessment guide
- ISO/IEC-29110-3-1 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 3-1: Process assessment guidelines
- ISO/IEC-29110-3-2 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 3-2: Conformity certification scheme
- ISO/IEC-29110-3-3 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Enterprises (VSEs) - Part 3-3: Certification requirements for conformity assessments of VSE profiles using process assessment and maturity models
- ISO/IEC-29110-3-4 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 3-4: Autonomy-based improvement method
- ISO/IEC-29110-4-1 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 4-1: Software engineering - Profile specifications: Generic profile group
- ISO/IEC-29110-4-2 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 4-2: Software engineering: Profile specifications: Organizational management profile group
- ISO/IEC-29110-4-3 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for very small entities (VSEs) - Part 4-3: Service delivery - Profile specification
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-1 - Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-1-1: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Entry profile
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-2 - Software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-1-2: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Basic profile
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-3 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-1-3: Software engineering - Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group - Intermediate profile
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-1-4 - Software and systems engineering- Lifecycle profiles for very small entities (VSEs) - Part 5-1-4: Software engineering: Management and engineering guidelines: Generic profile group: Advanced profile
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-2-1 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-2-1: Organizational management guidelines
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-3 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-3: Service delivery guidelines
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-6-1 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-6-1: Systems engineering - Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Entry profile
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-6-2 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-6-2: Systems engineering - Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Basic profile
- ISO/IEC-29110-5-6-3 - Systems and software engineering - Lifecycle profiles for Very Small Entities (VSEs) - Part 5-6-3: Systems engineering: Management and engineering guide: Generic profile group: Intermediate profile
- ISO/IEC-29119-11 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 11: Guidelines on the testing of AI-based systems
- ISO/IEC-29119-13 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 13: Using the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 series in the testing of biometric systems
- ISO/IEC-29154 - Software engineering - Guide for the application of ISO/IEC 24773:2008 (Certification of software engineering professionals - Comparison framework)
- ISO/IEC-29155-1 - Systems and software engineering - Information technology project performance benchmarking framework - Part 1: Concepts and definitions
- ISO/IEC-29155-2 - Systems and software engineering - Information technology project performance benchmarking framework - Part 2: Requirements for benchmarking
- ISO/IEC-29155-3 - Systems and software engineering - Information technology project performance benchmarking framework - Part 3: Guidance for reporting
- ISO/IEC-29155-4 - Systems and software engineering - Information technology project performance benchmarking framework - Part 4: Guidance for data collection and maintenance
- ISO/IEC-29168-1 - Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Part 1: Object identifier resolution system
- ISO/IEC-29168-2 - Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Part 2: Procedures for the object identifier resolution system operational agency
- ISO/IEC-29169 - Information technology - Process assessment - Application of conformity assessment methodology to the assessment to process quality characteristics and organizational maturity
- ISO/IEC-29881 - Information technology - Systems and software engineering - FiSMA 1.1 functional size measurement method
- ISO/IEC-30103 - Software and Systems Engineering - Lifecycle Processes - Framework for Product Quality Achievement
- ISO/IEC-30105-1 - Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes - Part 1: Process reference model (PRM)
- ISO/IEC-30105-2 - Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes - Part 2: Process assessment model (PAM)
- ISO/IEC-30105-3 - Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes - Part 3: Measurement framework (MF) and organization maturity model (OMM)
- ISO/IEC-30105-4 - Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes - Part 4: Key concepts
- ISO/IEC-30105-5 - Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes - Part 5: Guidance
- ISO/IEC-30121 - Information technology - Governance of digital forensic risk framework
- ISO/IEC-30130 - Software engineering - Capabilities of software testing tools
- ISO/IEC-33001 - Information technology - Process assessment - Concepts and terminology
- ISO/IEC-33002 - Information technology - Process assessment - Requirements for performing process assessment
- ISO/IEC-33003 - Information technology - Process assessment - Requirements for process measurement frameworks
- ISO/IEC-33004 - Information technology - Process assessment - Requirements for process reference, process assessment and maturity models
- ISO/IEC-33010 - Information technology - Process assessment - Guidance for performing process assessments
- ISO/IEC-33014 - Information technology - Process assessment - Guide for process improvement
- ISO/IEC-33015 - Information technology - Process assessment - Guidance for process risk determination
- ISO/IEC-33017 - Information technology - Process assessment - Framework for assessor training
- ISO/IEC-33018 - Information technology - Process assessment - Guidance for assessor competency
- ISO/IEC-33020 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process measurement framework for assessment of process capability
- ISO/IEC-33022 - Information technology - Process assessment - Application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 processes to the ISO/IEC 33020 process capability measurement scale
- ISO/IEC-33023 - Information technology - Process assessment - Application of ISO/IEC TS 33073 processes to the ISO/IEC 33020 process capability measurement scale
- ISO/IEC-33030 - Information technology - Process assessment - An exemplar documented assessment process
- ISO/IEC-33052 - Information technology - Process reference model (PRM) for information security management
- ISO/IEC-33053 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process Reference Model (PRM) for quality management
- ISO/IEC-33054 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process reference model for service management
- ISO/IEC-33060 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process assessment model for system life cycle processes
- ISO/IEC-33063 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process assessment model for software testing
- ISO/IEC-33072 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process capability assessment model for information security management
- ISO/IEC-33073 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process capability assessment model for quality management
- ISO/IEC-33074 - Information technology - Process assessment - Process capability assessment model for service management
- ISO/IEC-33202 - Software and systems engineering - Core agile practices
- ISO/IEC-38500 - Information technology - Governance of IT for the organization
- ISO/IEC-38501 - Information technology - Governance of IT - Implementation guide
- ISO/IEC-40210 - Information technology - W3C SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition)
- ISO/IEC-40220 - Information technology - W3C SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition)
- ISO/IEC-40230 - Information technology - W3C SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
- ISO/IEC-40240 - Information technology - W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core
- ISO/IEC-40250 - Information technology - W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding
- ISO/IEC-40260 - Information technology - W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Metadata
- ISO/IEC-40270 - Information technology - W3C Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework
- ISO/IEC-40280 - Information technology - W3C Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment
- ISO/IEC-40500 - Information technology - W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
- ISO/IEC-42010 - Systems and Software Engineering - Recommended Practice for Architectural Description Of
- ISO/IEC-5055 - Information technology - Software measurement - Software quality measurement - Automated source code quality measures
- ISO/IEC-5962 - Information technology - SPDX® Specification V2.2.1
- ISO/IEC-6592 - Guidelines for the Documentation of Computer-Based Application Systems, Information Techno
- ISO/IEC-7052 - Software engineering - Controlling frequently occurring risks during development and maintenance of custom software
- ISO/IEC-8211 - Information technology - Specification for a data descriptive file for information interchange
- ISO/IEC-8631 - Information technology - Program constructs and conventions for their representation
- ISO/IEC-90003 - Software engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2008 to computer software
- ISO/IEC-90005 - Systems engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to system life cycle processes
- ISO/IEC-9126-1 - Software engineering -- Product quality -- Part 1: Quality model
- ISO/IEC-9126-2 - Software engineering - Product quality - Part 2: External metrics
- ISO/IEC-9126-3 - Software engineering - Product quality - Part 3: Internal metrics
- ISO/IEC-9126-4 - Software engineering - Product quality - Part 4: Quality in use metrics
- ISO/IEC-9294 - Information Technology - Guidelines for the Management of Software Documentation
- ISO/IEC-DIS-19500-1 - Part 1: Corba Interfaces, Information Technology - Open Distributed Processing - Commo
- ISO/IEC-DIS-19500-2 - Part 2: Interoperability, Information Technology - Open Distributed Processing - Commo
- ISO/IEC-DIS-19500-3 - Part 3: Components, Information Technology - Open Distributed Processing - Common Obje
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-12207 - Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-12207-2 - Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes - Part 2: Relation and mapping between ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 and ISO/IEC 12207:2008
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-14764 - Software engineering - Software life cycle processes - Maintenance
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-1 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-2 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 2: Assurance case
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-15026-3 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software assurance - Part 3: System integrity levels
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-15288 - Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-15289 - Systems and software engineering - Content of life-cycle information items (documentation)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-15939 - Systems and software engineering - Measurement process
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-16085 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Risk management
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-16326 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Project management
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-21839 - Systems and software engineering - System of systems (SoS) considerations in life cycle stages of a system
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-21840 - Systems and software engineering - Guidelines for the utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the context of system of systems (SoS)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-21841 - Systems and software engineering - Taxonomy of systems of systems
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-23026 - Systems and software engineering - Engineering and management of websites for systems, software and services information
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24641 - Systems and Software engineering - Methods and tools for model-based systems and software engineering
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-1 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-2 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 2: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (system life cycle processes)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-3 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 3: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 (software life cycle processes)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-4 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 4: Systems engineering planning
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-5 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 5: Software development planning
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-6 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 6: System and software integration
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-7 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 7: Application of systems engineering on defense programs
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-7000 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 7000: Standard model process for addressing ethical concerns during system design
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-8 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 8: Technical reviews and audits on defense programs
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24748-9 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-24765 - Systems and software engineering - Vocabulary
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-26511 - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for managers of information for users of systems, software, and services
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-26512 - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for acquirers and suppliers of information for users
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-26513 - Systems and software engineering - Requirements for testers and reviewers of information for users
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-26514 - Systems and software engineering - Design and development of information for users
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-26531 - Systems and software engineering - Content management for product life cycle, user and service management information for users
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-1 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 1: General concepts
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-2 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 2: Test processes
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-3 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 3: Test documentation
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-4 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 4: Test techniques
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-5 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 5: Keyword-driven testing
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-29148 - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Requirements engineering
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-31320-1 - Information technology - Modeling Languages - Part 1: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-31320-2 - Information technology - Modeling Languages - Part 2: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject)
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-32430 - Software engineering - Trial use standard for software non-functional sizing measurements
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-32675 - Information technology - DevOps - Building reliable and secure systems including application build, package and deployment
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-41062 - Software engineering - Life cycle processes - Software acquisition
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-42010 - Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture description
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-42020 - Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture processes
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-42030 - Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture evaluation framework
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-90003 - Software engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software
Other SDOs:
- AS/NZS-ISO/IEC-19761 - Software Engineering - Cosmic-Ffp - a Functional Size Measurement Method
- AS/NZS-ISO/IEC-20926 - Software Engineering - Ifpug 4.1, Unadjusted Functional Size Measurement Method - Coun
- DIN-EN-ISO-9241-110 - Part 110: Dialogue Principles, Ergonomics of Human-System Interaction
- DS/ISO/IEC-15504-5 - Information technology - Process assessment - Part 5: An exemplar software life cycle process assessment model
- EN-16602-80 - Space product assurance - Software product assurance
- EN-50657 - Railways Applications - Rolling stock applications - Software on Board Rolling Stock
- EN-60880 - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category A functions
- EN-61508-3 - Part 3: Software Requirements, Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable
- EN-62138 - Nuclear Power Plants - Instrumentation & Control Important for Safety - Software Aspec
- EN-62304 - Medical device software - Software life-cycle processes
- EN-9223-100 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 100: A guide for the application of the principles of configuration management
- EN-9223-101 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 101: Configuration identification
- EN-9223-104 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 104: Configuration Control
- EN-9223-105 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 105: Glossary
- EN-9320 - Aerospace series - Programme Management - General guidelines for acquisition and supply of open systems
- EN-ISO-9241-112 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 112: Principles for the presentation of information
- EN-ISO-9241-171 - Ergonomics of Human-System Interaction, Guidance on Software Accessibility
- EN-ISO/IEC-25063 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: Context of use description
- EN-ISO/IEC-25064 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: User needs report
- EN-ISO/IEC-30121 - Information technology - Governance of digital forensic risk framework
- IEEE-730 - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes
- IEEE-730-PDF - IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes
- IEEE/ISO/IEC-26515 - Systems and software engineering - Developing user documentation in an agile environment
- IEEE/ISO/IEC-26515-PDF - Systems and software engineering - Developing user documentation in an agile environment - PDF Format
- ISO/IEC/IEEE-26515 - Systems and software engineering - Developing information for users in an agile environment
- SIS-CEN-ISO/IEC-TR-25060 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information (ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010)
- SIS-CEN-ISO/TR-25060 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - General framework for Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability-related information (ISO/TR 25060:2023)
- SIS-CEN-ISO/TS-82304-2 - Health software - Part 2: Health and wellness apps - Quality and reliability (ISO/TS 82304-2:2021)
- SIS-CWA-14051-1 - Information Technology - European generic locales - Part 1: General specifications
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TR-25060 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: General framework for usability-related information (ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010, IDT)
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TR-27008 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for auditors on information security controls (ISO/IEC TR 27008:2011, IDT)
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TR-38502 - Information technology - Governance of IT - Framework and Model (ISO/IEC TR 38502:2014, IDT)
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TR-9126-2 - Software engineering - Product quality - Part 2: External metrics
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TR-9126-3 - Software engineering - Product quality - Part 3: Internal metrics
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TS-17021-14 - Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 14: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of management systems for records (ISO/IEC TS 17021-14:2022, IDT)
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TS-17021-9 - Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 9: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of anti-bribery management systems (ISO/IEC TS 17021-9:2016, IDT)
- SIS-ISO/IEC-TS-27008 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidance for auditors on information security management systems control (ISO/IEC TS 27008:2019, IDT)
- SIS-TR-321 - Systems development reference model
- SIS-TR-91101 - Digital social alarm - Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP) - Test specification
- SIS-TR-91102 - Digital social alarm - Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP) - Implementation guideline
- SS-627799-1 - Information security management - Part 1: Code of practice for information security management
- SS-627799-2 - Information security management systems - Specification with guidance for use
- SS-91100 - Digital social alarm - Social care alarm internet protocol (SCAIP) - Specification
- SS-EN-16602-80 - Aerospace series - Space product assurance - Software product assurance
- SS-EN-1935 - Building hardware - Single-axis hinges - Requirements and test methods
- SS-EN-28631 - Information technology - Program constructs and conventions for their representation
- SS-EN-29241-3 - Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 3: Visual display requirements (ISO 9241-3:1992)
- SS-EN-29241-3-AM1 - Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 3: Visual display requirements (ISO 9241-3:1992/Amd 1:2000)
- SS-EN-343 - Protective clothing - Protection against rain
- SS-EN-9115 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations - Deliverable Software (Supplement to EN 9100)
- SS-EN-9223-100 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 100: A guide for the application of the principles of configuration management
- SS-EN-9223-101 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 101: Configuration identification
- SS-EN-9223-102 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 102: Configuration status accounting
- SS-EN-9223-103 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 103: Configuration Verifications, Reviews and Audits
- SS-EN-9223-104 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 104: Configuration Control
- SS-EN-9223-105 - Programme Management - Configuration Management - Part 105: Glossary
- SS-EN-9320 - Aerospace series - Programme Management - General guidelines for acquisition and supply of open systems
- SS-EN-ISO-25065 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability: User requirements specification (ISO 25065:2019)
- SS-EN-ISO-25066 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability - Evaluation Report (ISO/IEC 25066:2016)
- SS-EN-ISO-9241-11 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 11: Usability: Definitions and concepts (ISO 9241-11:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO-9241-112 - Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 112: Principles for the presentation of information (ISO 9241-112:2017)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-18045 - Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Evaluation criteria for IT security - Methodology for IT security evaluation (ISO/IEC 18045:2023)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-19896-2 - IT security techniques - Competence requirements for information security testers and evaluators - Part 2: Knowledge, skills and effectiveness requirements for ISO/IEC 19790 testers (ISO/IEC 19896-2:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-19896-3 - IT security techniques - Competence requirements for information security testers and evaluators - Part 3: Knowledge, skills and effectiveness requirements for ISO/IEC 15408 evaluators (ISO/IEC 19896-3:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-25063 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: Context of use description (ISO/IEC 25063:2014)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-25064 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: User needs report (ISO/IEC 25064:2013)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-25066 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability - Evaluation Report (ISO/IEC 25066:2016)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27001 - Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security management systems - Requirements (ISO/IEC 27001:2022)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27002 - Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security controls (ISO/IEC 27002:2022)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27006 - Information technology - Security techniques - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems (ISO/IEC 27006:2015, including Amd 1:2020)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27017 - Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services (ISO/IEC 27017:2015)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27018 - Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors (ISO/IEC 27018:2019)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27019 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security controls for the energy utility industry (ISO/IEC 27019:2017, Corrected version 2019-08)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27040 - Information technology - Security techniques - Storage security (ISO/IEC 27040:2015, IDT)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27041 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidance on assuring suitability and adequacy of incident investigative method (ISO/IEC 27041:2015, IDT)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27042 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for the analysis and interpretation of digital evidence (ISO/IEC 27042:2015, IDT)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-27043 - Information technology - Security techniques - Incident investigation principles and processes (ISO/IEC 27043:2015, IDT)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-30111 - Information technology - Security techniques - Vulnerability handling processes (ISO/IEC 30111:2019)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-30121 - Information technology - Governance of digital forensic risk framework (ISO/IEC 30121:2015)
- SS-ISO-12119 - Information technology - Software packages - Quality requirements and testing
- SS-ISO-25065 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability: User requirements specification (ISO 25065:2019, IDT)
- SS-ISO-4343 - Numerical control of machines - NC processor output - Minor elements of 2000-type records
- SS-ISO-5806 - Information processing - Specification of single-hit decision tables
- SS-ISO-5807 - Information processing - Documentation symbols and conventions for data, program and system flowcharts, program network charts and system resources charts
- SS-ISO-8631 - Information technology - Program constructs and conventions for their representation
- SS-ISO-8790 - Information processing systems - Computer system configuration diagram symbols and conventions
- SS-ISO-9000-3 - Quality management and quality assurance standards - Part 3: Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the development, supply and maintenance ofsoftware
- SS-ISO-9126 - Information technology - Software product evaluation - Quality characteristics and guidelines for their use
- SS-ISO/IEC-12207 - Systems and Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes (ISO/IEC 12207:2008, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-12207-AM2 - Information technology - Software life cycle processes (ISO/IEC 12207:1995/Amd 2:2004, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-14102 - Information technology - Guideline for the evaluation and selection of CASE tools
- SS-ISO/IEC-14143-1 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 1: Definition of concepts
- SS-ISO/IEC-14143-2 - Information technology - Software measurement - Functional size measurement - Part 2: Conformity evaluation of software size measurement methods to ISO/IEC 14143-1:1998
- SS-ISO/IEC-14598-1 - Information technology - Software product evaluation - Part 1: General overview
- SS-ISO/IEC-14598-2 - Software engineering - Product evaluation - Part 2: Planning and management
- SS-ISO/IEC-14598-3 - Software engineering - Product evaluation - Part 3: Process for developers
- SS-ISO/IEC-14598-4 - Software engineering - Product evaluation - Part 4: Process for acquirers
- SS-ISO/IEC-14598-5 - Information technology - Software product evaluation - Part 5: Process for evaluators
- SS-ISO/IEC-14598-6 - Software engineering - Product evaluation - Part 6: Documentation of evaluation modules
- SS-ISO/IEC-14752 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Protocol support for computational interactions
- SS-ISO/IEC-14753 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Interface references and binding
- SS-ISO/IEC-14756 - Information technology - Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
- SS-ISO/IEC-14764 - Information technology - Software maintenance
- SS-ISO/IEC-15288 - Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes (ISO/IEC 15288:2008, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-15910 - Information technology - Software user documentation process
- SS-ISO/IEC-15939 - Software engineering - Software measurement process
- SS-ISO/IEC-16085 - Information technology - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Risk management (ISO/IEC 16085:2006, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-18019 - Software and system engineering - Guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software (ISO/IEC 18019:2004, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-19501 - Information technology - Open Distributed Processing - Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2 (ISO/IEC 19501:2005, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-19770-1 - Information technologies - Software asset management - Part 1: Processes (ISO/IEC 19770-1:2006, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25000 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Guide to SQuaRE (ISO/IEC 25000:2014, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25022 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) - Measurement of quality in use (ISO/IEC FDIS 25022, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25051 - Software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuarRE) - Requirements for quality of Commercial Off-The-Self (COTS) software product and instructions for testing (ISO/IEC 25051:2006/Cor 1:2007, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25062 - Software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability test reports (ISO/IEC 25062:2006, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25063 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: Context of use description (ISO/IEC 25063:2014, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25064 - Systems and software engineering - Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability: User needs report (ISO/IEC 25064:2013, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-25066 - Systems and software engineering - Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) - Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability - Evaluation Report (ISO/IEC FDIS 25066, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27000 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Overview and vocabulary (ISO/IEC 27000:2018)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27001 - Information technology - Cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security management systems - Requirements (ISO/IEC 27001:2022, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27002 - Information security - cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security controls (ISO/IEC 27002:2022, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27006 - Information technology - Security techniques - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems (ISO/IEC 27006:2015, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27006-AM1 - Information technology - Security techniques - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems - Amendment 1 (ISO/IEC 27006:2015/Amd 1:2020, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27013 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidance on the integrated implementation of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1
- SS-ISO/IEC-27017 - Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for cloud services (ISO/IEC 27017:2015, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27018 - Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors (ISO/IEC 27018:2019, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27035 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security incident management (ISO/IEC 27035:2011, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27036-1 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security for supplier relationships - Part 1: Overview and concepts (ISO 27036-1:2014, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27036-2 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security for supplier relationships - Part 2: Requirements (ISO 27036-2:2014, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27036-3 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security for supplier relationships - Part 3: Guidelines for information and communication technology supply chain security (ISO 27036-3:2013, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27041 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidance on assuring suitability and adequacy of incident investigative method (ISO/IEC 27041:2015, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27042 - Information technology - Security techniques - Guidelines for the analysis and interpretation of digital evidence (ISO/IEC 27042:2015, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-27043 - Information technology - Security techniques - Incident investigation principles and processes (ISO/IEC 27043:2015, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-38500 - Information Technology - Governance of IT for the organization (ISO/IEC 38500:2015, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-42010 - Systems and software engineering - Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems (ISO/IEC 42010:2007, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-6592 - Information technology - Guidelines for the documentation of computer-based application systems
- SS-ISO/IEC-90003 - Software engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer software (ISO/IEC 90003:2004, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-9126-1 - Software engineering - Product quality - Part 1: Quality model
- SS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-12207 - Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes (ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-1 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 1:Concepts and definitions (ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1:2013, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-2 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 2: Test processes (ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-2:2013, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-29119-3 - Software and systems engineering - Software testing - Part 3: Test documentation (ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-3:2013, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC/IEEE-42010 - Software, systems and enterprise Architecture description (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2022, IDT)
- UNE-CEN-16080 - Internet Content and communications filtering software and services