ISO-22970 Paints and varnishes - Test method for evaluation of adhesion of elastic adhesives on coatings by peel test, peel strength test and tensile lap-shear strength test with additional stress by condensation test or cataplasm storage


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This document specifies three methods for testing the peel adhesion, peel strength and tensile lap-shear strength in order to evaluate the adhesive bond as well as the type, location and structure of failures of elastic adhesives on coatings. These methods are used, for example, for testing the assembly with respect to the bond of panes or built-on parts, such as plastic covers, spoilers, instrument panel covers, headlights, with coatings for automobile construction. The two methods of climatic exposure of specimens described herein are the condensation test and cataplasm storage.

This document does not specify requirements for adhesives and coatings.

NOTE The peel strength test (method B) for rigid car body construction adhesives is described in ISO 8510‑2. The tensile lap-shear strength test (method C) for rigid car body construction adhesives is described in EN 1465. Testing of rigid car body construction adhesives is generally conducted on small joint thicknesses, i.e. <1 mm.




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Document Number

ISO 22970:2019

Revision Level




Publication Date

May 1, 2019

Committee Number

ISO/TC 35/SC 9