SS-EN-ISO-75-3 › Plastics - Determination of temperature of deflection under load - Part 3: High-strength thermosetting laminates (ISO 75-3:2004)
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Included in this current edition are the following subparts:
2004 EDITION - June 4, 2004
2004 EDITION CORRIGENDUM 1 - May 5, 2006
2004 EDITION CORRIGENDUM 1 - May 5, 2006
This part of ISO 75 specifies a method for the determination of the temperature of deflection under load of highstrength thermosetting laminates and compression-moulded long-fibre-reinforced plastics in which the fibre length is greater than 7,5 mm. The flexural stress used is not fixed, as in ISO 75-2, but is a fraction (1/1 000) of the initial (room-temperature) flexural modulus of the material under test. This allows the method to be applied to materials with a wide range of flexural moduli. For additional information, see ISO 75-1:2004, clause 1.
To find similar documents by classification:
83.080.10 (Thermosetting materials Including ebonite Silicones, see 71.100.55)
83.120 (Reinforced plastics Materials for the reinforcement of plastics, see 59.100)
91.100.25 (Terracotta building products Including roofing tiles, bricks, etc.)
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Designation Name
SS-EN ISO 75-3:2004
Revision Level
Publication Date
June 4, 2004
Page Count
International Equivalent
EN ISO 75-3:2004(IDT)* ISO 75-3:2004(IDT)