SS-155410 › Fuel oils - Requirements
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Denna standard anger krav på eldningsoljor av typ destillatolja (Eo1, Eo2 och Eo3A) samt tyngre eldningsoljor (Eo3B, Eo4, Eo5, Eo6). Kraven omfattar egenskaper, provtagning och provningsmetoder. Vid annan användning av eldningsolja än som bränsle kan ytterligare krav behöva ställas. Dessa krav behandlas inte i denna standard. This standard specifies requirements for fuel oils based on distillate (Eo1, Eo2 and Eo3A) as well as residual fuel oils (Eo3B, Eo4, Eo5, Eo6). The requirements include properties, sampling and test methods. If fuel oil is used for other purposes than heating, additional requirements need to be considered. These requirements are not stated in this standard.
To find similar documents by classification:
75.080 (Petroleum products in general)
75.160.20 (Liquid fuels Including gasoline, diesel, kerosene, etc.)
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Designation Name
SS 155410:2018
Revision Level
Publication Date
Aug. 3, 2018
English, Swedish
Page Count