ISO/IEC-10918-4 Information technology -- Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: Registration of JPEG profiles, SPIFF profiles, SPIFF tags, SPIFF colour spaces, APPn markers, SPIFF compression types and Registration Authorities (REGAUT) -- Part 4:

ISO/IEC-10918-4 - 1ST EDITION - CURRENT -- See the following: ISO/IEC-10918-4-AM1

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 1ST EDITION - Aug. 15, 1999

This Recommendation | International Standard provides for the unique registration of JPEG and SPIFF Profiles, SPIFF Tags, SPIFF colour Spaces, application specific Markers, SPIFF Compression types and images Registration authorities as defined in the CCITT Rec. T.81 | ISO/IEC 10918-1 and ITU-T Rec. T.84 | ISO/IEC 10918-3. Unless otherwise specified, (P)rofiles, (T)ags, colour (S)paces, (M)arkers, (C)ompression types and image (R)egistration authorities will be referred to as PTSMCR items. ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 29 will delegate to a designated Authority the role to collect, study, approve, register and disseminate the relevant information to allow for the customization of JPEG standard.

The following table gives an overview of the main issues about registration of PTSMCR items.

DesignationOrigin of requestsQty rangeNotes
PProfilestd. implementersunitsfundamental issue
Tindex Tagapplication fieldtensvarious contents (Note 1)
Scolour Spacestd implementersunitstechnical issue
MMarkerstd implementersunitsrestricted use
CCompressionconceptorunitsstandards use
RREGAUTinstitutionsthousandsthrough National Bodies (Note 2)
NOTE 1 - Tags can create a language problem, and this Recommendation | International Standard stipulates that only the English version of the content can be registered to avoid misunderstanding. The National Bodies should provide translation facilities for registrants in their countries.
NOTE 2 - Due to the large number of potential applicants, the PTSMCR Authority delegates the National Bodies to register new REGAUTs. This disposition solves the language and the legal problems raised from different countries.



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Document Number

ISO/IEC 10918-4:1999

Revision Level




Publication Date

Aug. 15, 1999

Committee Number