ISO-5618-2 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Test method for GaN crystal surface defects - Part 2: Method for determining etch pit density


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This document describes a method for determining the etch pit density, which is used to detect dislocations and processing-introduced defects that occur on single-crystal GaN substrates or single-crystal GaN films.

It is applicable to the defects specified in ISO 5618-1 from among the defects exposed on the surface of the following types of GaN substrates or films: single-crystal GaN substrate; single-crystal GaN film formed by homoepitaxial growth on a single-crystal GaN substrate; or single-crystal GaN film formed by heteroepitaxial growth on a single-crystal Al2O3, SiC, or Si substrate.

It is applicable to defects with an etch pit density of 7 × 107 cm-2.




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Document Number

ISO 5618-2:2024

Revision Level




Publication Date

April 1, 2024

Committee Number

ISO/TC 206