ISO-33403 Reference materials - Requirements and recommendations for use


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This document describes good practice in using reference materials (RMs), and certified reference materials (CRMs) in particular, in measurement processes. These uses include:

.           the assessment of precision and trueness of measurement methods;

.           quality control;

.           assigning values to materials;

.           calibration;

.           establishing conventional scales.

This document also relates key characteristics of various types of RMs to the different applications.

The preparation of RMs for calibration is also part of the scope of ISO 17034 and ISO 33405. The treatment in this document is limited to the fundamentals of small-scale preparation of RMs and the value assignment, as used by laboratories to calibrate their equipment. Larger scale production of such RMs, with the possible aim of distribution, is beyond the scope of this document. This type of activity is covered in ISO 17034 and ISO 33405.




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Document Number

ISO 33403:2024

Revision Level




Publication Date

June 1, 2024

Committee Number

ISO/TC 334