ISO-14064-2 SPANISH Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements [Standard in Spanish]


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This document specifies principles and requirements and provides guidance at the project level for the quantification, monitoring and reporting of activities intended to cause greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions or removal enhancements. It includes requirements for planning a GHG project, identifying and selecting GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs (SSRs) relevant to the project and baseline scenario, monitoring, quantifying, documenting and reporting GHG project performance and managing data quality.

The ISO 14060 family of standards is GHG programme neutral. If a GHG programme is applicable, the requirements of that GHG programme are additional to the requirements of the ISO 14060 family of standards.




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Document Number

ISO 14064-2:2019[S]

Revision Level




Publication Date

April 1, 2019

Committee Number

ISO/TC 207/SC 7