FSC 3655: Gas Generating and Dispensing Systems, Fixed or Mobile
The following documents are a part of this series:- A-A-58000 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen-Oxygen, Cryogenic, Horizontal, 3000 and 6000 Gallon
- A-A-58019 - Self Generating Nitrogen Servicing Cart (Sgnsc)
- MIL-C-12517 - Case, Hydrogen Generator Set (Case CY-219()/TMQ-3) (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-C-3495 - Converter, Liquid To Gas Oxygen, Argon, and Nitrogen, Skid Mounted, 1,200 Scf per Hour Capacity (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-C-52025 - Conversion Units, Carbon Dioxide, 260 Pounds per Hour (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-C-52211 - Components & Assemblies for Industrial Gas (Cancelled, 1994, Superseded by MIL-I-52211)
- MIL-C-52238 - Cooling Tower, Liquid, Semitrailer Mounted (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-C-52313 - Conversion Storage Charging Unit, Carbon Dioxide, 16,000 Lb Capacity, Semitrailer Type (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-C-83007 - Cleaning and Purging Unit, Liquid Oxygen Storage Tank GSU-163/m (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-10157 - Generator and Charging Plant, Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide, Semitrailer-Mounted
- MIL-G-11127 - Generator, Hydrogen (Hydrogen Generator ML-303()/Tm) (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-11816 - Generator, Hydrogen ML-490( ) GM
- MIL-G-13184 - Generator, Hydrogen ML-486()/Um
- MIL-G-17266 - Generating and-Charging Plant, Acetylene, Transportable
- MIL-G-26234 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen-Nitrogen, Semitrailer Mounted AF-m26A-1
- MIL-G-26238 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen-Nitrogen, Skid Mounted, AF-E26A-1
- MIL-G-26584 - Generating and Charging Plant, Liquid Oxygen and Gaseous Nitrogen, Trailer Mounted, Type me-1 (Use MIL-G-27236)
- MIL-G-26590 - Generating Plant, Oxygen - Nitrogen, Skid Mounted A-E26A-6
- MIL-G-26687 - Generating Plant, Oxygen-Nitrogen, Skid Mounted A-E26A-7
- MIL-G-26752 - Generator, Portable, Acetylene, Type X-1 (Replaced by MIL-G-16270)
- MIL-G-26773 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen and Nitrogen, Skid Mounted, Type mb-2 (Use MIL-G-27253)
- MIL-G-26774 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen and Nitrogen, Skid Mounted, Type ma-2
- MIL-G-26790 - Generating and Charging Plants, Oxygen and Nitrogen8 Semitrailer Mounted, Type mb-1 +S
- MIL-G-27236 - Generating Plant, Liquid Oxygen, Trailer Mounted, A-m26A-9
- MIL-G-27253 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen - Nitrogen, Skid-Mounted, a/E26A-8 and a/E26A-20 (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-27257 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen-Nitrogen, Semitrailer Mounted, A-m26A-10
- MIL-G-27369 - Generator, Hydrogen ML-539/Tm (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-3110 - Generating and Charging Plants, Acetylene, Portable, 750 Cubic Feet per Hour Capacity (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-3204 - Generator, Charger Plant, Oxygen Nitrogen, Semitrailer Mounted
- MIL-G-3681 - Generating and Charging Plant, Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Portable, 300 Pound per Hour Capacity (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-4936 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen and Nitrogen High&Pressure Cycle With Caustic Scrubbers, General Requirements For
- MIL-G-52167 - Generating and Charging Plant, Oxygen-Nitrogen, Semitrailer-Mounted, 5-Ton Liquid per Day Capacity
- MIL-G-52314 - Generating and Charging Plant, Nitrous Oxide
- MIL-G-83750 - Generating and Charging Plant, 5 Ton per Day Capacity, Skid Mounted (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-G-8968 - Generating Plant, Oxygen-Nitrogen, Trailer Mounted a/m 26U-1 (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-H-27301 - Hose Assembly, Metal, Cryogenic Liquid, Transfer
- MIL-H-83757 - Hydrogen Generator for an/CRT-3 Radio Set (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-M-12563 - Manifold, Gas Cylinder (Manifold ML-344/TMQ-3)
- MIL-O-52387 - Oxygen Servicing Unit, Mobile, Compressed Gas Cylinder, 12-Cylinder, High Pressure
- MIL-O-6705 - Oxygen Recharge Equipment (Power Driven)
- MIL-P-23598 - Purge Assembly, Electric Driven for Liquid Oxygen Tank (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-P-23638 - Plant, for Producing, Storing, Pumping, and Vaporizing Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Nitrogen (Shipboard Type) (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-P-24344 - Producer, Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Nitrogen (Shipboard Type-Low Pressure) (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-P-27294 - Purification Unit, Helium, Skid Mounted A-E26A-9
- MIL-P-27456 - Purging Unit, Air, Liquid Oxygen Storage Tanks GSU-62/M
- MIL-PRF-27720 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Oxygen/Liquid Nitrogen, TMU-24/E
- MIL-PRF-38170 - Tank, Mobile Storage, Liquid Oxygen TMU-27/M
- MIL-PRF-38201 - Valve, Filler, Liquid Oxygen Female, CRU-59/E
- MIL-R-12551 - Recharging Unit, Carbon Dioxide, Pumping Method (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-R-23746 - Recharging System, Liquid Nitrogen, Skid Mounted
- MIL-R-26291 - Recharging Unit, Liquid Nitrogen or Oxygen, Heat Conversion Method, Type ma-1
- MIL-R-3729 - Recharging Unit, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Ice Conversion Method
- MIL-R-83168 - Recharging Unit, Nitrogen a/m32R-24 (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-R-9975 - Recharging Unit, Carbon Dioxide, Pumping Method (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-S-23639 - Storage and Charging Unit for Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Nitrogen (Shipboard Type) (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-S-4511 - Storage Unit, Low-Pressure Carbon Dioxide Type A-1 (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-S-52030 - Sawing Machine, Dry Ice, Multiblade
- MIL-S-52881 - Servicing Unit, Compressed Gas, Mobile (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-STD-1630 - Oxygen System and Component Cleanliness; Servicing and Certification Requirements for (Superseded by MIL-STD-1330)
- MIL-T-26069 - Trailer, Oxygen Cylinder, AF/M32R-3, High and Low Pressure, 2 Wheel 8 Cylinder Capacity
- MIL-T-26772 - Trailer, Compressed Gas Cylinder, Air or Nitrogen, Oil Pumped, Servicing, 2-Wheel, 8-Cylinder, 3500 PSI, Type MD-3A
- MIL-T-27483 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Oxygen/Liquid Nitrogen, TMU-20/E (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-27720 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Oxygen/Liquid Nitrogen, TMU-24/E
- MIL-T-27868 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen, TMU-55/E, 500 Gallon Capacity, Skid Mounted (Use MIL-T-38261)
- MIL-T-27892 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Oxygen TMU-7a/E (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-3784 - Tank, Storage, Liquid-Argon-Nitrogen-Oxygen, Transportable (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-38170 - Tank, Mobile Storage, Liquid Oxygen TMU-27/m
- MIL-T-38189 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen NRU-3/E
- MIL-T-38261 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen, NRU-5/E (Superseded by MIL-T-27720 Now MIL-PRF-27720)
- MIL-T-38294 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen NRU-4/m (See MIL-T-38170)
- MIL-T-38354 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen, TMU-35/E (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-38355 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Nitrogen, TMU-36/E (Superseded by MIL-T-27483)
- MIL-T-38379 - Trailer, Compressed Gas Cylinder, Oxygen Servicing a/m32A-71, 3,500 Psi (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-40019 - Tank, Shipping and Storage, Dry Ice (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-52949 - Tank, Liquid, Carbon Dioxide, 40,000 Lbs Capacity, Semi Trailer Mounted Commercial (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-T-85418 - Tank, Storage, Liquid Oxygen, Low Loss Closed Cycle, TMU-70/m (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-V-27853 - Valve, Female Filler, Liquid Nitrogen, NRU-2/E (No Superseding Document)
- MIL-V-38201 - Valve, Filler, Liquid Oxygen Female CRU-59/E
- MIL-V-4719 - Valves, Manually Operated, Gas Servicing Hose (No Superseding Document)
- QPL-27853 - Valve, Female Filler, Liquid Nitrogen NRU-2/E (No Superseding Document)
- QPL-38201 - Valve, Filler, Liquid Oxygen Female Cru -59/E